HPLC Bio Columns
Biological separations often require unique chemistry to provide high resolution, high efficiency separations. Dionex offers a variety of columns for proteins, peptides, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and more.
Protein Columns
Dionex offers polymer-based columns for the separation of proteins by ion exchange chromatography. Each of these ultra-high efficiency columns provides sufficient resolution to allow separation of protein isoforms that, in many cases, differ by only a single amino acid residue.
Carbohydrate Columns
The CarboPac family of columns offers a selection of columns, each optimized for a different class of compounds. Combined with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD)—which provides a means to detect carbohydrates without derivatization—CarboPac columns support simple, reliable techniques to separate sugars.
Nucleic Acid Columns
The DNAPac series of polymer-based, anion-exchange columns set the standard for oligonucleotide purity analysis, fast screening, and purification.
Amino-Acid Columns
Dionex offers two approaches to amino acid analysis: (1) anion-exchange separation by AAA-Direct in which amino acids are detected directly, without the need for derivatization, or (2) anion-exchange separation with postcolumn derivatization.
Peptide Columns
Dionex expands its Acclaim PepMap family of HPLC columns with the introduction of a 50 cm long capillary column. The increased length also increases mass loadability, which is especially beneficial when fingerprinting very low-abundant peptides.
Trap Columns
Dionex offers three trap columns for bio applications to reduce sample preparation and ensure your successful chromatographic separation.
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