Apparatus for chromatography HPLC and GPC/SEC

Nitric Oxide Analyzer - NOA 280i

GE Analytical Instruments manufactures the Sievers Nitric Oxide Analyzer (NOA) for nitric oxide research and analysis. In biological systems, nitric oxide is produced from the enzymatic oxidation of arginine. Three isoforms of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) have been identified in many cell types: endothelial NOS, neuronal NOS, and inducible NOS. The biological functions of NO include action as a vasodilator, neurotransmitter, cytotoxic agent, inhibit of platelet aggregation, and activator of smooth muscle proliferation.

Nitric oxide is also present in exhaled breath and may be a useful marker of airway inflammation.

In solution, nitric oxide reacts with molecular oxygen to form nitrite (NO2-), and with oxyhemoglobin and superoxide anion (O2-) to form nitrate (NO3-). NO also reacts with thiols to form S-nitroso compounds, amines to form nitrosamines, and metals to form metal nitrosylcomplexes.

The Sievers Nitric Oxide Analyzer (NOA 280i) offers the most versatile detection system for Nitric Oxide (NO) analysis. Employing GE Analytical Instruments' highly sensitive, ozone-chemiluminescence technology, the NOA 280i has unsurpassed versatility for liquid and exhaled breath NO measurement. With over 600 publications using the Sievers Nitric Oxide Analyzer, the NOA has proven to be the instrumentation of choice by researchers worldwide.


The Sievers Nitric Oxide Analyzer (NOA 280i) offers the most versatile detection system for Nitric Oxide (NO) analysis. Using GE Analytical Instruments' highly sensitive, ozone-chemiluminescence technology, the NOA 280i has unsurpassed versatility for liquid and exhaled breath nitric oxide (NO) measurement. With over 700 publications using the Sievers Nitric Oxide Analyzer, the NOA 280i has proven to be the instrumentation of choice by researchers worldwide. The Sievers NOA can be used to measure liquid samples or exhaled breath samples of nitric oxide.

Liquid Samples

The NOA 280i measures nitric oxide, nitrite, nitrate or nitrosothiols in most biological samples. Concentrations, ranging from low nanomolar to millimolar levels, can be measured in sample volumes ranging from a few microliters to several milliliters.

Exhaled Breath Samples

Exhaled nitric oxide can easily be measured with the NOA 280i. Fast response time and low sample flow rates allow for measurement of exhaled NO in humans and animals.

Nitric Oxide Analyzer Liquid Applications

The NOA and purge system measures nitric oxide and its reaction products, nitrite, nitrate and nitrosothiols, in virtually any biological fluid including: cell culture media, plasma, sera, urine, cerebral-spinal fluid, bronchial-alveolar lavage, perfusates, and tissue read more

Exhaled Breath Sample Applications

The NOA 280i can be used to measure exhaled NO using a wide range of techniques including On-line, Off-Line, Nasal, Breath-by-Breath and Chamber Sampling. The NOA and its amlessories permit measurements amlording to the American Thoracic Society recommendations and other research read more


For measurement of on-line exhaled NO. The kit includes restrictors calibrated to give flows of 30, 50, 100, 150 200 and 250 mL/s BTPS at ~ 10-15 cm H2O mouth pressures. Part Number: CRBK 01400 read more


This kit includes an inspiratory gas filter to reduce the concentration of NO in inspired air to < 5 ppb and 12 L Mylar® bags to collect the entire vital capacity at a flow rate of 350 mL/s. The bags are equipped with Luer caps to seal the bag after sample collection. The kit includes read more


The kit includes the inspiratory gas filter and a valve in the body of the filler to permit discard of the first few hundred milliliters of exhaled breath, then collect the remainder of the breath. Part Number: CBSK 01400 read more


Calibration of the NOA for gas-phase measurements is easily performed using this lightweight, disposable cylinder of 45 ppm NO in N2. Part Number: CNDK 01400 read more


Calibration of the NOA for gas measurement also requires a gas contains low levels (< 1 ppb) of NO. This is easily produced from room air using a cartridge containing KMnO4 and activated carbon. The trap has sufficient capacity for several years of use. Part Number: CACT 01400 read more


Includes the Zero Air Filter, ENO Calibration gas cylinder, a low flow regulator preset to 300 mL/min gas and a calibration tee. Part Number: CNCK 01400 read more


These single-subject disposable bacterial and viral filters provide > 99.9% filtration efficiency for use with the On-Line NO breath kit and the Bag Collection and Sampling Kits. Package of 50. Part Number: CAFL 01420 read more


On-line measurement of exhaled NO requires exhalation at a constant flow rate. The TSI thermal mass flowmeter permits direct measurement of the exhalation flowrate using the NOA 280i or the NOA 280 equipped with the flowmeter upgrade kit (Part # AML 01487-01). The flowmeter is installed on the read more