CMA 120 - System for Freely Moving Animals
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System for Freely Moving Animals
The CMA120 System for Freely Moving Animals is designed for microdialysis experiments in onscious, freely moving animals. The system enables long term combined studies of animal behaviour and microdialysis experiments.
- Designed for unattended experiments in rats/mouse
- Balance arm with dual channel swivel
- Secures tubing away from the animal and prevents twisting
- Automatic collection using one microdialysis probe
- Manual collection using two microdialysis probes
- Microdialysis combined with local injections
CMA120 System for Freely Moving Animals consist of:
- CMA 4004 Syringe Pump
- CMA 111 Syringe Selector
- CMA 12 Microdialysis Probe with intracerebral guide cannula
- CMA 120 System for Freely- Moving Animals
- CMA 470 Refrigerated Fraction Collector
- CMA Instrument Table