Apparatus for chromatography HPLC and GPC/SEC
Microdialysis Systems for Anesthetized Animals
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Systems for Anesthetized Animals

Advanced Systems for Anesthetized Animals consist of:

  1. CMA 4004 Syringe Pump
  2. CMA 110 Liquid Switch
  3. CMA 470 Refrigerated Fraction Collector
  4. Probe
  5. CMA 450 Temperature Controller
  6. CMA 130 In Vitro Stand
  7. Stereotaxic Instrument

Basic Systems for Anesthetized Animals consist of:

  1. CMA 402 Syringe Pump
  2. Micro T
  3. CMA 142 Microfraction Collector
  4. Probe
  5. CMA 450 Temperature Controller
  6. Stereotaxic Instrument
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