Standard Stereotaxic Instruments
New standard Stereotaxic Instruments
THE NEW STANDARD STEREOTAXIC INSTRUMENTS are ideal for researchers working with rats and mice. They have larger laser engraved vernier scales (accurate to 100 um), 80 mm of ventral-dorsal, medial-lateral and anterior-posterior travel, absolute lock at 90° ventral-dorsal and brass-bushings for electrical grounding. The New Standard Stereotaxic Instruments include mouse ear bars, a mouse and rat nose adaptor as well as dual tip rat ear bars; one side is 18° and the other side is 45°.
The New Standard Stereotaxic is available in manual, digital and motorized versions.
- Revolutionary vertically-adjusted ear and nose bar posts
- Revolutionary horizontally-adjusting ear and nose bar posts
- Designed for both rats and mice all on the same base
- No U-frame, maximizes operating space
- Traditional and non-traumatic rat ear bars
Ordering information for New standard Stereotaxic Instruments
Ref. No.
CMA 72-6335 New Standard Stereotaxic for Rats and Mice, Model 51500
CMA 72-6336 Dual New Standard Stereotaxic for Rats and Mice, Model 51503
CMA 72-6338 Digital New Standard Stereotaxic for Rats and Mice, Model 51500D
CMA 72-6339 Digital Dual New Standard Stereotaxic for Rats and Mice, Model 51503D
CMA 72-6340 Motorized New Standard Stereotaxic for Rats and Mice, Model 51500M
CMA 72-6337 New Standard Stereotaxic for Rats and Mice (no manipulator arm), Model 51500